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ادواردو گالیانو

The disappeared ones (Desaparecidos): Since the end of the Dirty War in Argentina, the mothers and grandmothers of the disappeared ones, gather at Plaza de Mayo every Thursday in Buenos Aires, wearing white scarves and holding signs of their beloved demanding an answer.

Since the Dirty War's shadow fell over Argentina, a sacred ritual has unfolded each Thursday at Plaza de Mayo. There, the Mothers and Grandmothers of the disappeared ones (Desaparecidos), adorned in their white scarves, carry with them the faces of their beloveds, demanding justice with signs held high. 

Chacarita Cemeterio
Strolling through the largest cemeterio in the centre of Buenos Aires, you find yourself descending into the underground necropolis, also known as the Sixth or the Great Pantheon. This vast subterranean city is an endless archive of the dead, where time stands still. The mastermind behind this sombre sanctuary was Ítala Fulvia Villa.